Newsletter 2021-10


Le Class 30 OD un nouveau défi pour Multiplast


The Class30 One Design, a new challenge for Multiplast


At the beginning of September, VPLP Design and Multiplast won the architectural competition which was launched by UNCL, RORC and the Storm Trysail Club for the design and build of le futur Class 30 One Design, an entry level one-design intended to make offshore racing accessible to a much greatest number of sailors. And so it is a great challenge in mass production for the Vannes yard.




Newsletter 2021-03



Ollivier Bordeau : "A new chapter in the story of my career"


A former top-level kayaker who became passionate about sailing when he discovered the Mini-Transat, Ollivier Bordeau, alias "Olibo", joined Multiplast at the end of 2020 as production manager. It is a great time to take stock of his career to date and where he sees himself and the company going.




Newsletter 2020-01


Alice, « un enjeu industriel majeur pour Multiplast »


Présenté au Salon du Bourget en juin 2019, le premier prototype d’Alice, avion électrique à passagers (neuf, plus deux membres d’équipage), développé par la société israélienne Eviation Aircraft, a vu le jour chez Multiplast.








icon-set-maps-location-and-navigationGroupe CARBOMAN S.A

Parc du Golfe
        Allée Loïc Caradec 56000 VANNES


Phone. +33 (0)2 97 40 98 44